The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey

Undergraduate ALFALFA Team Summer 2015
Union College Mini-Workshop and Summer Research Telecon

June 24, 2015

Union College S&E N304

26 UAT members gathered at Union.





  9:30 am Refreshments  
  9:45 am All Welcome and Introductions
  9:50 am Becky Overview: ALFALFA and the UAT in Summer 2015
10:00 am Greg Introduction to the Science of Gas and Star Formation
10:20 am Becky Activity 1: Populations of Galaxies Detected by ALFALFA and SDSS and Why we want to do APPSS
10:50 am Becky Checkpoint/Summary
10:55 am Becky Activity 2: The APPS Survey: Background and Targets
11:40 am Becky Checkpoint/Summary
11:45 am Greg & Evan LBW Examples
12:00 pm Lunch  
  1:00 pm Mary Activity 3: Using RStudio for Statistical Analysis of Results
  1:30 pm All Checkpoint/Summary
  1:45 pm Break  
  2:00 pm UAT Summer Research Telecon Schedule  
  3:15 pm UAT Planning Faculty Telecon
Students Tour Union
  4:30 pm Dinner  

Last modified: Mon Jul 27 14:25:18 EDT 2015 by becky