The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey

  • ALFALFA Spring Semester 2005: Completed Observations
  • Observations in the R.A. range from 07h30m to 16h30m in Spring 2005 focused on the tiles centered at +10 and +14 degrees.

    The graphical summaries below indicate the A2010 coverage during the spring 2005 observing season.

    Green indicates completed observations in pass 1.
    Cyan indicates completed observations in pass 2.
    Brown indicates poor quality data (hardware failure, gain instability or unusual rfi)

    Click here to see larger version.

    Click here to see larger version.

    Click here to see larger version.

    The numbers on the left axes refer to the declination setting designations.

    Click here to see the actual observing block allocation summary for Spring 2005.

    Last modified: Wed Nov 30 11:26:01 2005 by martha