The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey

The Undergrad ALFALFA Team at Arecibo, November 2009

Celebrating the 600th observing block for ALFALFA A2010!

During Thanksgiving week 2009, faculty and undergraduate students from Humboldt State University and Colgate University conducted the ALFALFA (Arecibo observing program A2010) observations from on site at Arecibo. The observing block on Tuesday November 24th was the 600th session conducted as part of the ALFALFA survey. The photos below are from the celebration in the control room at the start of the observing session, marking the event.

Photos courtesy of T. Balonek. Click on each image to see larger version.

Colgate and Humboldt State universities are participants in the NSF-sponsored Undergraduate ALFALFA Team program to promote undergraduate research within the ALFALFA project.

Last modified: Thu Dec 3 08:25:30 2009 EST by martha