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Files for Zw1400+0949

Here are the data files with which we will work. More may appear and we may change them, but this is a place to start.

See also Zw1400 project notes


File# objects Description
File 13347 Position and redshift data for all galaxies in a "slice" from RA,Dec = (7.5-16.5) and (5.86-12.15), Vhelio < 18200 from AGC
File 813 Position and redshift data for all galaxies in AGC database in region
File 731 Photometric and spectroscopic data for objects in the SDSS DR7 photometric and spectroscopic databases
File 262 ALFALFA HI data for objects in same region
File 213 Photometric and spectroscopic data for objects in the ALFALFA dataset and also in the SDSS DR7 spectroscopic database
File 48 Photometric data for objects in the ALFALFA dataset but not in the SDSS DR7 spectroscopic database
File 261 Photometric and spectroscopic data for objects in the ALFALFA dataset in either SDSS DR7 photometric and/or spectroscopic database; parameters set to zero where galaxy is not in the spectroscopic database.
File 727 Line dispersions and equivalent width data for objects SDSS DR7 spectroscopic database
File 212 Line dispersions and equivalent width data for objects SDSS DR7 spectroscopic and ALFALFA databases
File 212 Line dispersions and equivalent width data for objects SDSS DR7 spectroscopic and ALFALFA databases
File 212 Line dispersions and equivalent width data for objects SDSS DR7 spectroscopic and ALFALFA databases
File 727 File containing corrected magnitudes/colors, absolute magnitudes, inclinations, stellar masses
File 261 Same as above for ALFALFA catalog sources only
File 728 File containing many derived properties for DR7 spectroscopic sample
I make a correction for stellar absorption and an aperture correction in calculating the SFR (See notes)
File 258 File containing many derived properties, as above, but also the HI and dynamical masses, for ALFALFA sources


File Description
cone_slice.jpg Cone diagram, full velocity range, all RA's, 6 deg in Decl.
cone_slice.jpg Cone diagram, V < 9100 km/s, all RA's, 6 deg in Decl.
zw6deg_make1s.jpg Velocity versus radial distance from center, 6 degree radial region
skyplotcolor.jpg RA,Decl plot for galaxies, color coded by velocity range
skyplotcolor4500-8000.jpg RA,Decl plot for galaxies, color coded by velocity range, restricted range
skyplotcolor_gps.jpg RA,Decl plot for galaxies, color coded by velocity range, restricted range corresponding to MKW12 and the background group
Filled symbols identify galaxies also in ALFALFA catalog.
The small circle is 0.68 deg; the large one is 1.3 deg.
histo.jpg Histogram for all galaxies within 1.3 degrees of center
histo2.jpg Histogram only from 4000 to 8800
histo3.jpg Histogram only from 5500-6000
hist12.jpg Histogram only from 3000-9000, R < 1.36 deg
hist13.jpg Histogram only from 3000-9000, R < 0.68 deg
histmkw12.0.68deg.jpg Histogram only from 5600-6600, R < 0.68 deg; this is the main MKW12/WBL486 group
The fit for 45 galaxies is: Vmean = 5861, sigma = 241 km/s
histbackgp.0.68deg.jpg Histogram only from 6600-7600, R < 0.68 deg; this is the background group
The fit for 29 galaxies is: Vmean = 6890, sigma = 201 km/s
lineratios.jpg BPT/Osterbrock diagram for the sample. Filled symbols identify galaxies in ALFALFA catalog.
himass_spanh.jpg Spanhauer diagram of HI mass versus distance.
lum_spanh.jpg Spanhauer diagram of r-band luminosity versus distance.
baldryplot.jpg Color-magnitude diagram, using corrected colors and magnitudes, with the Baldry et al. divider superposed. In this newer version, filled symbols identify the ALFALFA detections.
tfplot.jpg Tully-Fisher diagram for the ALFALFA catalog sample.
hizb1.jpg Same as above but with color coding by morphological type, and the big filled cirecles identify galaxies which are members of ZwCl400.4+0949=MKW 12
hizmorphb.gif Log linear diam versus log HI mass for ALFALFA catalog sample; different colors denote different morphological types. Large filled circles identify galaxies which are members of ZwCl400.4+0949=MKW 12.
histlogL.jpg Histogram of Log L(rband). The shaded portion shows galaxies in the ALFALFA subsample
histlogMstar.jpg Histogram of Log stellar mass. The shaded portion shows galaxies in the ALFALFA subsample
histlogSFR.jpg Histogram of Log SFR. The shaded portion shows galaxies in the ALFALFA subsample
histcolor.jpg Histogram of (u-r)corr. The shaded portion shows galaxies in the ALFALFA subsample
SDSS mosaic images of the galaxies detected by ALFALFA not in the SDSS spectroscopic sample
SDSS mosaic images of the galaxies which are outliers in the Baldry et al. color-magnitude diagram


ADS link Description
Gregory & Thompson 1978 ApJ 222, 784 The Coma/A1367 supercluster and its environs, including ZW1400.4+0949
Haynes & Giovanelli 1984 AJ 89,758 Neutral hydrogen in isolated galaxies. IV - Results for the Arecibo sample, defines the standard of normal HI content
Giovanelli et al 2005 AJ 130, 2598 The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey. I. Science Goals, Survey Design, and Strategy, describing the ALFALFA survey strategy
Giovanelli et al 2007 AJ 133, 2569 The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey. III. H I Source Catalog of the Northern Virgo Cluster Region, first catalog of ALFALFA data including a few galaxies in the Zw1400 region
Baldry et al 2004 astro-ph/0410603 Color bimodality: Implications for galaxy evolution, a conference proceedings paper reviewing SDSS results
Baldry et al 2004 ApJ 600, 681 Quantifying the Bimodal Color-Magnitude Distribution of Galaxies, the longer paper on which the one above is based
Miller et al 2003 ApJ 597, 142 The Environment of Active Galactic Nuclei in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, analyzing the observed AGN fraction of AGN as a function of environment based on early SDSS results
Hopkins et al 2003 ApJ 599, 971 Star Formation Rate Indicators in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, describing methods of deriving the SFR from available SDSS data
Kewley et al 2006 MNRAS 372, 961 The host galaxies and classification of active galactic nuclei, more discussion of SDSS spectroscopic diagnostics
Girardi et al. 2002 ApJ 569, 720 Observational Mass-to-Light Ratio of Galaxy Systems from Poor Groups to Rich Clusters including MKW 12
Koranyi & Geller 2002 AJ 123, 100 Kinematics of AWM and MKW Poor Clusters including MKW 12
Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis 1998 ApJ 500, 525 Maps of Dust Infrared Emission for Use in Estimation of Reddening and Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Foregrounds, including conversions to calculate extinctions in different wavelength/filter bands.
Blanton et al. 2003 AJ 125, 2348 Estimating Fixed-Frame Galaxy Magnitudes in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, which actually suggests that maybe we should apply no correction since our objects are so nearby.
Giovanelli et al 1995 AJ 110, 1059 Dependence on Luminosity of Photometric Properties of Disk Galaxies: Surface Brightness, Size, and Internal Extinction giving internal extinction correction, according to axial ratio and luminosity, for I-band
Fukugita, Shimasaku, & Ichikawa, T. 1995 PASP 107, 945 Galaxy Colors in Various Photometric Band Systems, including conversion relations for different filter systems
Bell et al 2003 ApJS 149, 289 The Optical and Near-Infrared Properties of Galaxies. I. Luminosity and Stellar Mass Functions, including appendix with relationship between M/L ratios and stellar masses. See also the ALFALFA U-grad page

For reference, here is the query used to extract the SDSS DR7 sample:
 p.ra, p.dec,s.z,s.zerr,p.petroR90_r,p.petroR50_r,p.expAB_r,
 p.lnLExp_r, p.lnLDeV_r, p.isoA_r, p.isoPhi_r, l.sigma, l.sigmaErr,
  l.ew, l.ewErr, l.continuum, l.chisq,, s.zWarning,p.objID
FROM PhotoObj p, SpecObj s, SpecLine l
 p.SpecObjID = s.SpecObjID AND
 p.SpecObjID = l.specobjID AND
 s.specClass=2 AND
 l.lineID = dbo.fSpecLineNames('Ha_6565') AND
 p.ra >=207.95 AND p.ra <= 214.15 AND
 p.dec >= 5.86 AND p.dec <=12.15 AND
 s.z <= 0.061
order by p.ra
It is sometimes useful to run a query using CasJobs.