The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey

Undergraduate ALFALFA Team

Summer 2016 Research Page

Deadline for applications for Summer 2016 is March 7, 2016.

A summer proposal consists of the following requirements:

  1. Cover page including signature of student and mentor
  2. Students should write a two page research proposal that includes
  3. Faculty mentors: prepare a one page budget and budget narrative, following the Budget guidelines. The budget must be reviewed and approved by your Sponsored Program Office, and submitted with a letter of committment (template) signed by an SPO officer or other appropriate financial representative of your institution.
  4. Faculty mentors: a written letter of support for the student and the student proposal

Mentors: please submit the complete application to Becky. Please note that the February deadline is firm, so there is sufficient time for the paperwork submitted to NSF to be approved and to set up subawards by the time the summer work begins.

Last modified: Sun Feb 14 16:29:13 EST 2016 by becky