Command | Description |
hiplot | Plots HI spectra for EGG digital archive. |
plotd | Generates plot of AGC gals in 2.5d X 2.5d area, with ALFA beam drift tracks indicated. Input position should be START of 600 sec drift. Can plot to screen or ps file. In interactive mode, allows cursor identification of galaxies. |
plottile | Generates plot of AGC gals in tile (5d X 4 d) area centered on input screen. Can plot to screen or ps file. In interactive mode, allows cursor identification of galaxies. |
plot30 | Generates plot of ALFA beams and AGC objects within 30 arcmin of input position. Can plot to screen or ps file. In interactive mode, allows cursor identification of galaxies. |
prec0 | Precesses coordinates from Epoch1 to Epoch2 |
sdsshms | Converts RA,DEC from decimal degrees to hms/dms |
sdssd | Converts from hhmmsssSddmmss to decimal degrees |
skyd | Generates file skylinks.html with links to SDSS, DSS1, DSS2 and NED. |
sky1 | Local version of John Thorstensen's SKYCALC program with entries for Arecibo, Ithaca (and other locally relevant exotic places). Calculates sunrise, sunset, etc. |