ALFALFA Team Project

Proposal Title: Extended HI Emission Around the Pegasus Dwarf Galaxy
Project Leaders: Noah Brosch and Lyle Hoffman
Institutions: Wise Observatory and Lafayette College
Other Co-Authors: Alexei Kniazev (SAAO)
Time frame: 2008

Description: (up to ~ 500 words)

The Pegasus dwarf galaxy (DDO 216) has received considerable attention from HI observers in the past, including ourselves (Hoffman et al. 1996, ApJS, 105, 269). Recently, it has been claimed that the HI extension evident in our major axis mapping (Fig. 5x in Hoffman et al. 1996) and in synthesis mapping (Young et al., 2003, ApJ, 592, 111) is a result of ram pressure stripping by the intragroup medium of the Local Group (McConnachie et al. 2007, ApJL, 671, L33). If so, one might expect diffuse extensions of the neutral gas downwind (to the northwest), resolved out by the synthesis mapping but visible in the ALFALFA data. Indications of faint extensions of the galaxy to the NW are apparent in SDSS data processed to select stars in the Pegasus dwarf galaxy. ALFALFA data for this region have been acquired but not yet processed into a grid. Commensal GALFA data at higher velocity resolution should also be available, and might clarify that the extended gas is associated with the Pegasus dwarf rather than multiple gas clouds around the galaxy, as originally proposed by Young et al. We propose to undertake the processing of the data to Level I (all drifts not done by other members of ALFALFA) and into a standard grid, followed by source extraction for the entire grid and the analysis of the results for DDO 216, with a publication containing the SDSS and HI results to be submitted within a few months.

This page created and maintained by members of the Cornell ExtraGalactic Group

Last modified: Wed 21 Nov. 2007 by Lyle