The Undergraduate ALFALFA Team Groups project is targeting nearby groups of galaxies. At the January 2014 workshop, we will be following up galaxies in our groups that show evidence of star formation, but were not detected by ALFALFA. Star Formation IndicatorsHow do we know if a galaxy has star formation? There are several tracers used; we will explore two: (1) Halpha emission, which can be measured via imaging or via spectra and (2) color. (You can explore more tracers here.)(1) Hα emission originates in star formation regions. UV photons from hot, massive stars ionizes neutral hydrogen. Recombination radiation is emitted at many wavelengths as electrons recombine with protons. The Balmer n=3 to n=2, or Hα, at 656.3nm is one of the strongest recombination lines. We can map star formation by obtaining an image of a galaxy in a narrow filter around Hα. An example for a spiral galaxy is shown to the right. We can also measure this using a spectrum, also shown at right for the same galaxy. Note that the SDSS spectrum comes from a fiber optic spanning 3 arcsec on the sky; this corresponds to 7 pixels in the image. You can judge pixel size by looking at the variation in the background.) Questions: what is an advantage of imaging? spectra? What is a disadvantage of imaging? spectra? (2) Color is a commonly-used although cruder measure of star formation in a galaxy. It is based on the idea that hot, massive, young stars are very bright at blue wavelengths and therefore a substantial star-forming population will affect the galaxy color. It is convenient to use color because observations are so simple - all you need are two filters. For example, many studies based on SDSS use the g-i color, where g is centered at green wavelengths and i at near-infrared. |
Example of spiral galaxy with "normal" Hα emission. The stellar distribution (as measured in a red optical filter) is shown at left and the Hα image is shown at right. Click on image for larger view. SDSS Spectrum for the same spiral galaxy. Note the Hα indicating star formation. ALFALFA HI spectrum show healthy HI content. |
  Star Formation and Gas ContentGalaxies that form stars have gas reservoirs. See for example this summary of a classic paper describing the Kennicutt-Schmidt Law. A plot from this paper is reproduced at right. (The units are in surface density.) Thus we could trace gas in galaxies by looking for HI or by looking for Hα, which occurs in gas near star formation regions. You can think of the gas as tracing the future, star formation the present, and stars the past of a galaxy. Galaxies that have star formation, but are not detected in ALFALFA (review 1st telecon), are thus likely to have HI. Why don't we see it? Because the amount of gas lies beneath the limit for the ALFALFA survey.Review Question: What are two reasons a galaxy's HI content would lie beneath the ALFALFA limit? |
Classic Kennicutt-Schmidt Correlation |
Galaxies and Their EnvironmentGalaxies tend to clump together in groups and clusters, which are themselves associated with larger structures called superclusters. (Review Large Scale Structure of the Universe and What's in an Environment. ) These structures formed as the Universe evolved in time due to graviational attraction. A schematic is shown at right and this site shows an animation. Clusters form at the crossing points of filaments.Galaxies are members of a group or a cluster if they are bound by gravity to the structure. (What does this mean?) Clusters have been more extensively studied than groups. One reason is that clusters have many galaxies in a small area of the sky, so that observations of more galaxies can be obtained for the same amount of observing time. We have learned a lot about the star formation and gas properties of clusters. For example:
Environmental Effects and Gas LossInteractions of galaxies with their environment can remove gas and change their stellar distributions (i.e., morphological change). Here are the two main types of interactions: (1) Galaxy tidal interactions with other members
(2) Galaxy Interactions with the Intracluster Medium
While we have learned a great deal about environmental interactions, unfortunately none of the studies of clusters to date has succeeded in explaining all the observations by an environmental model. For example, while ram-pressure stripping appears to be happening, it cannot explain morphological transformation of galaxies (why?). |
Optical Image of Interacting Galaxies
  The Role of GroupsSome astronomers have suggested that the real action of environmental alteration is going on in group environments rather than clusters. Some groups show X-ray emission, indicating an intra-group medium (IGM, also known as inter-galactic medium) that may cause ram-pressure stripping, or a milder form known as starvation or strangulation. Tidal interactions are likely to be more important in groups because of lower galaxy velocities.The Undergraduate ALFALFA Team Groups Project is investigating these issues via ALFALFA observations, optical observations of star formation at Kitt Peak National Observatory, and by examining public archives of optical and x-ray observations. However given the selection effect of the ALFALFA observing time, we do not have good values of HI masses for a large number of galaxies that are known to be star-forming from the Hα imaging or SDSS spectra. We hope to probe deeper with L-band Wide observations so that we can compare gas contents and star formation rates across a wide variety of environments and establish the local density at which star formation quenching becomes important. |
Question: Can you think of another reason why populations of galaxies may be different in different environments? Hint: what assumptions have we made when we talk about "transformation" of galaxies?