Arecibo Observatory

ALFALFA utilities available at Cornell (and Arecibo?)

The followup utilities refer to programs compiled locally and aliased in the galaxy (a2010 -- someday!) accounts. Make sure that you have the same commands aliased in your own account if you want to use them.

Interactive commands

Command Description
hiplot Plots HI spectra for EGG digital archive.
plotd Generates plot of AGC gals in 2.5d X 2.5d area, with ALFA beam drift tracks indicated. Input position should be START of 600 sec drift. Can plot to screen or ps file. In interactive mode, allows cursor identification of galaxies.
plottile Generates plot of AGC gals in tile (5d X 4 d) area centered on input screen. Can plot to screen or ps file. In interactive mode, allows cursor identification of galaxies.
plot30 Generates plot of ALFA beams and AGC objects within 30 arcmin of input position. Can plot to screen or ps file. In interactive mode, allows cursor identification of galaxies.
prec0 Precesses coordinates from Epoch1 to Epoch2
sdsshms Converts RA,DEC from decimal degrees to hms/dms
sdssd Converts from hhmmsssSddmmss to decimal degrees
skyd Generates file skylinks.html with links to SDSS, DSS1, DSS2 and NED.
sky1 Local version of John Thorstensen's SKYCALC program with entries for Arecibo, Ithaca (and other locally relevant exotic places). Calculates sunrise, sunset, etc.

This page maintained by members of the ALFALFA undergraduate team at the Cornell ExtraGalactic Group and their colleagues at Colgate, Lafayette, Union and U. Puerto Rico.

Last modified: Wed Jun 15 11:27:11 EDT 2005 by martha