\documentclass[10pt]{article} \textwidth 6.5in \textheight 8.8in \oddsidemargin 0.0in \evensidemargin 0.0in \topmargin -0.3truein \raggedbottom \parskip 8pt \def\eg{{\it e.g.}} \def\etal{{\it et al.}} \def\kms{{km~s$^{-1}$}} \def\sqd{{deg$^{2}$}} \def\arcmin{$^{\prime}$} \def\arcsec{$^{\prime\prime}$} \def\msun{$M_\odot$} \def\mhi{$M_{HI}$} \def\lsun{$L_\odot$} \def\gtrsim{$>$} \def\lesssim{$<$} \def\h70i{{$h_{70}^{-1}$}} \def\be{\begin{equation}} \def\ee{\end{equation}} \def\apjl{{Ap.J.(Lett)}} \def\apj{{Ap.J.}} \def\apjs{{Ap.J.Suppl}} \def\aj{{A.J.}} \def\aap{{A.Ap.}} \def\aaps{{A.Ap.Suppl.}} \def\apss{{Ap.Sp.Sci.}} \def\araa{{Ann.Rev.Astron.Ap.}} \def\mnras{{Mon.Not.Roy.Astr.Soc.}} \def\nat{{Nature}} \def\plotfiddle#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{{\centering \leavevmode \vbox to#2{\rule{0pt}{#2}}\special{psfile=#1 voffset=#7 hoffset=#6 vscale=#5 hscale=#4 angle=#3}}} \def\@tightleading{0.95} \def\baselinestretch{\@tightleading}\normalsize % temp id is: \begin{document} \pagestyle{plain} \parindent 0pt \parskip 8pt \baselineskip 12pt \null \begin{center} \vskip -2cm \Large{ALFALFA: The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey\\ The 2005 Summer Undergraduate Observing Program\\ {\it 30 June 2005}} \begin{tabular}{||l|l||} \hline Adrienne Stilp & Cornell \& U. Wisconsin ('06)\\ Neil Patel & Cornell ('07) \\ Adeel Altaf & Lafayette \\ John Ayala & U. Puerto Rico \\ Christi Forsyth & Colgate \& Bryn Mawr ('07)\\ Michael Gillin & Union \\ Josh Goldstein & Lafayette \\ Bilal Mahmood & Union \\ Brendan Mullan & Colgate \\ Jay Read & Union \\ Brian Walsh & Colgate \\ Steph Wortel & Colgate \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \vskip 12pt {\large{\bf Abstract}} Write an abstract here. \vskip 12pt {\large{\bf Scientific Background}} Give the scientific background here. \vskip 12pt {\large{\bf Request and Plan for July 6 Observations}} The observing time is scheduled for July 6 from 18h45m to 20h30m AST. Here you should stake exactly what you plan to do with the observing time, including both the technical details and the scientific objective. \vskip 12pt {\large{\bf References Cited}} \vskip 8pt \small{ \parskip 4pt Include any other references which you cite elsewhere in the proposal; these are included just as examples: Davies, J., Minchin, R., Sabatini, S., \etal ~2004, \mnras, 349, 922. Karachentsev, V.E. \& Karachentseva, I.D. 1998, \aaps, 127, 409. \end{document}